We are a team of educational professionals with a passion for championing access, equity of opportunity and social mobility

Suzanne Marchment


As Director, Suzanne develops the strategy alongside our Steering Group, building relationships with our funders and partners to deliver against our vision of equitable access, participation and opportunity for all. She has a particular interest in unconscious bias, mentoring and coaching with NEET and SEND students.

Mark Ellis

Uni Connect Project Manager

Mark oversees Aimhigher London’s Uni Connect programmes, working closely with Aimhigher London’s working groups and liaising with Uni Connect. Mark has worked for eight years as an adviser in local authority careers and social services; leading a university team for over 10 years, during which he won a Times Higher Award for Widening Participation Initiative of the Year for his work with care leavers. With extensive teaching experience, Mark is currently Chair of Governors at a school in Kingston.

Justine Marcham

Schools Manager

Justine leads our relationship with partner schools, working closely with learners and staff. Developing and delivering our innovative in-school programmes, Justine leads the Learner Progression Programme supporting learners, ambassadors and partners at campus events and residentials, and undertaking targeted research projects.

Passionate about supporting young people to reach their full potential, Justine’s experience includes leading Gifted & Talented programmes across Hertfordshire and internationally.

Justine Wright

Head of Programmes

Justine leads the evaluation, communication and engagement strategies across the Aimhigher London partnerships and Uni Connect programmes. Leading large-and-small-scale collaborative projects between education and industry, Justine has managed a widening participation outreach and access team for the past five years.

Berta Dominguez de la Torre

Finance and Office Manager 

Berta works across projects providing finance, office and personnel support across the Company.  She is the first point of contact for all finance matters. Previous to Aimhigher London, she worked as Operations and Facilities Manager at a number of universities, including the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University.  She has experience working in property, higher education, and recruitment sectors.

Esther Oduor

Higher Education and Events Partnership Manager

Esther is our Education Events Manager and helps in the planning and delivery of school and campus events. Esther will be your point of contact for HEI’s. She looks forward to meeting you all and working with you to plan inciteful campus activities. As a former teacher, Esther is passionate about education and believes in helping young people to reach their full potential – irrespective of background. In her personal time, Esther enjoys taking long walks and seeing the world.