Our learners are the driving force behind our work and inspire our commitment to review and build-on our offer year on year
Our Learners
We focus on young people who are under-represented in higher education, including:
Young people in the care of the Local Authority
Young people who have special educational needs, a disability (SEND), or who are neurodiverse
Young people who are the first in their family to go to university or higher education
Young people who receive free school meals or qualify for pupil premium
Young people of ethnic minority heritage (BAME)
Young white “working-class” males
Young people and their parents who are from an area of socio-economic disadvantage (based on Indices of Multiple Deprivation, IMD)
Young people and their parents who are from neighbourhoods with low participation in higher education relative to achievement (Polar 4 Quintiles 1 and 2)
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